29 October 2010

Coffee and Depression - a cause and also a remedy

Coffee and Depression - a cause and also a remedy

What is the link between coffee and depression? Truth is, there are extremely mixed reactions and feedback from coffee drinkers regarding depression and being depressed.

While some of them believe coffee acts as an antidepressant, some indicate that by abstaining from coffee, the symptoms of depression reduced considerably. Therefore, it would seem that linking coffee with depression or lack of it depends on individual reactions, both psychologically and physiologically.

People who are used to drinking a hot cup of coffee every morning swear that it is an instant pick-me-up and gives them the zest to go through their routine activities. On the other hand, people who experienced depression and were asked to give up coffee and sugar experienced elevated moods.

And there are research findings supporting both theories of coffee and depression, too. For example, surveys conducted at Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program in the year 1993 stated that nurses who consumed coffee had lower risk of committing suicide as compared to non-coffee drinkers. This study was later confirmed by Dr Ichiro Kawachi, an epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School, who also studied the reactions of registered nurses between ages 34 and 59. Therefore, it was more or less concluded that the caffeine in coffee does act as a mild antidepressant. It is thought that caffeine reacts with various neurotransmitters, like acetylcholine and dopamine, and helps elevate the mood in people going through depression.

On the other side of the coffee and depression coin, reports and studies published by various institutes and organizations also indicate that consuming too much coffee can lead to depression. For example, an article published by the Kansas State University indicates that people should try and reduce the overall consumption of coffee, because coffee only gives people a temporary kick, and what follows is to the contrary. It clearly suggests that caffeine in coffee has the ability to increase the release of insulin into the blood. And as most of us are aware, insulin reduces blood sugar levels, which makes people experience low energy levels, and feelings of depression might then set in.

Therefore, to ascertain the coffee and depression connection, coffee drinkers must experience for themselves how their body and mind react to drinking coffee or decreasing their coffee consumption. Their observations will then help them to decide whether or not to continue drinking the beverage.

People who suffer from depression should always take a close look at their lifestyle, food, and drinking habits. This is because certain foods and beverages can affect people’s moods, and coffee is definitely one such beverage. Based on individual reactions to coffee, one can then take a call on whether or not to drink it.

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