15 July 2013


WHAT IS STRESS? Stress is a primal, innate response to fear and it's a factor in all of our lives. It also affects other species of animals. The technical definition of stress is the physical pressure, pull, or other force exerted on one thing by another; strain. It is a common disease which may at some point affect you, your organization, and also any of the people within it. So you can not afford to ignore it or just give up. Stress is something that you feel when you are afraid of a situation, threatened by something, or simply find a situation that you are in to be annoying. What is actually happening is that your body is triggering it's "fight or flight" response due to the fear that is in the situation. The reason that stress can wear you out is because your body tends to be more alert, focused, and prepared for any threats or dangers. This uses considerable more energy. When you are stressed all day long, fatigue will take over making you more irritable to others around you since you are so worn out. The body is not designed to deal with these types of situations forever. Over time there are a wide variety of health Problems that can be formed by having stress. SIGNS OF STRESS The mental symptoms ofstress include Tension Irritability Inability to concentrate Feeling excessively tired Trouble sleeping The physical symptoms of stress include: Dry mouth A pounding heart Difficulty breathing Stomach upset Frequent urination Sweating palms Tight muscles that may cause pain and trembling. Mental and emotional changes are often the first signs that stress is taking its toll. Stress takes away from the memory when too much is applied. It also decreases our abilities to think clearly. Stress eventually leads to mood changes and can cause mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. It also causes us to age quicker which in turn leads to our bodies and minds not being able to deal with it like we were once able to. We become tired and more easily exhausted than we once were. Some people cannot even function properly when they are under too much stress. What is so sad is that it is completely normal for people to break down, especially if they are not taking care of themselves in the process. Stress can come from many sources. One of the biggest and most obvious in the world today is finances. We always seem to worry about money and worrying about money is a never ending thing. People will always have bills to pay, and as long as the economy is down and out like it currently is, people are going to continue to lose jobs. It is actually very depressing. But, we cannot let ourselves get beat down. Other sources of stress come from losing loved ones or experiencing a divorce. These things can also lead to some serious depression. Emotionally, stress can cause us to lose all of our coping skills. Sufferes of stress should worth remember the following points: •Suffering from stress could not be considerd as a weakness •Stress is infectious.It is stressful to live and work with people who suffering from stress. •There is no solution guaranteeing a stress free life,but there are techniques for minimizing stress. •Stress is produced from high demands in life combined with highconstraints and little support fromcolleagues and family. •Stress can be killer.The Japanese have an officially recognized condition called Karoshi ,death from stress caused from too much work. Regardless of what situation you are in realize that you do have a choice. If it's a stressful job, relationship, or other situation, realize that you do have a choice to stay in them or be there to try to fix the situation. When you feel that your life is out of control, generally that is where much of the stress comes from. Find things in your life that you can do to get rid of stress. You need to get rid of the stress else you will have problems that you will face in the future.

1 comment:

  1. This is very good information.i think it's useful advice. really nice blog. keep it up!!!

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